Final Fantasy 13 is the best final fantasy since Final fantasy 8. The characters borrow heavily from each other. In this tweet I will highlight the pros and cons of the game and whether its worth your time and money.
First, Final fantasy 13 is an old game. But it still holds up to today’s standards of excellence in game design, character development, story-telling and boss battles.
The game tries to be an open world game. But it’s a fragmented experience. By the time you reach the open-world part of the game its near the end. And it seems pointless to grind for EXP or CP points.
The strange thing is that’s its kind of fun. To go around and just seeing the world. I did not complete the whole game. That is for an another day but this week I final fantasy’d that fantasy of finishing the game. It’s a traditional JRPG (Japanese Role-Playing Game for the rest of us).
What do you need to know:
Graphics: It’s a gorgeous game. Stylish and fun. Everything is over the top. The game runs well on my old computer. Not many games can have a clear creative vision as Square Enix does. But this game is for the female-gamer growth market. 10/10
Gameplay: There is a learning curve the paradigms aren’t always obvious to setup and team switching between cut scenes leaves you without a lot of equipment. Still, it handles it’s own in the combat realm. There is a ATB bar that fills up and performs actions. And you perform actions based on what paradigm the characters are each on. 8/10
Controls: ok nothing complicated. In the heat of battle the controls can be sluggish. Others might have their own opinion. Sometimes getting to a Eidolon or switching paradigms can be frustrating. And you will game over a lot. 7/10
Fun factor: Was this game fun? Yes to a point. After you reach a certain level then you feel you are going on autopilot. I still like the stagger ability that allows you to wipe out enemies fast. It’s a fun novelty. It works well. But later in the game. 10/10
Final note: I would recommend borrowing, renting or trading for this JRPG classic. I give it a 9/10 overall score for excellence in gaming.